
Blender Driver Scripted Expression Tutorials


Drivers are a way to control values of properties by means of a function,or a mathematical expression.

Apr 23, 2018  So i want to use drivers with option “scripted expression”? For example typing “frame” in var field gives me my propertie equal current frame. If i want for example cube1 locX be equal cube2 rotZ? What is syntaxis. I tryed wiki’s: math.pi. 2 + 5.0 Blender.Get(“curframe”) # the current animation frame math.sin(Blender.Get(“curframe”)) # the sine of the current frame self. Blender Wiki PDF Manual en 20140506 - Free ebook download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read book online for free. Wiki do blender.

Effectively, drivers consist of:

  • A driver configuration that specifies zero, one, or more input values usingother properties or object transformation channels, and combines them usinga predefined mathematical function or a custom Python expression.

  • An animationF-Curvethat maps the output of the driver configuration to the final value to applyto the driven property.

As an example, the rotation of Object 1 can be controlled by the scale of Object 2.It is then said that the scale of Object 2 drives the rotation of Object 1.

Not only can drivers directly set the value of a property to the value of a different one,they can also combine multiple values using a fixed function or a Python expressionand further modulate it with a manually defined curve and/or a modifier stack.

Drivers are an extremely powerful tool for building rigs and are typically usedto drive bone transforms and the influence of shape keys, action constraints andmodifiers, often using custom properties as inputs.

Graph View¶

The main area of the Drivers editorshows an F-Curve thatrepresents the driver function.

The X axis maps to the output value of the driver configuration. The units depend on the setup.

The Y axis shows the value applied to the target property. The units depend on the property.

In the example image, if the driver value is 2.0 the property value will be 0.5.

The default F-curve is an identity map, i.e. the value produced by the driver configurationis applied to the driven property unchanged. If the driver output value is 2.0,the property will be 2.0.

The driver function can be defined artistically with Bézier curve handles ormathematically with trigonometric functions or polynomial expressions such as (y = a + bx).Furthermore, the function can also be procedurally modulated with noise or cyclic repetitions.See Modifiers for more details.

Driver Configuration¶

The Drivers panel shows the setup for a driver.

A driver can have zero, one, or more variables. Variables specify which properties,object transformation channels, or relative distances between objects, are used as inputsby the driver.

The driver type determines how the variables are used. The type can be:

  • a built-in function: for example, the sum of the variables’ values, or

  • a scripted expression: an arbitrary Python expression that refers to the variables by their names.

This driver configuration outputs a single value which changes when the variables change.This value is then evaluated through the driver function curve to produce the resultto be applied to the driven property.

Notes on Scripted Expressions¶

When a driver uses a Scripted Expression, Blender can evaluate it without usingthe fully featured Python interpreter if it is simple enough.This means that drivers are fast to evaluate with simple divisions, additions and other “simple” expressions.The built-in functions are always evaluated natively.

See Simple Expressionsfor a comprehensive list of expressions that can be evaluated natively.

AW5-100knAW4-75knAW3-50knAW2-50knAW1-50knsvi AW-i skupa-250knReason 1.0 (2 cd-a) 2cd samplovi,loopovi. Descargar crack de awave studio. 150knSample cd-i Akai, audio, -70knSound Font 2 collection 300mb- 70 knSamplovi s netaTutoriali Cubase v 5,Samplitude,Sound forge,Fruity Loops 2.7.???kn-Audio Warez 5.

When the expression is not simple, it will be evaluated using Python.As a consequence, the driver will be slower and there is a security riskif the author of the Python code is unknown.This is an important thing to take into consideration for heavy scenes andwhen sharing files with other people.See also: Auto run.


Editor:Graph editor
Panel:Properties region ‣ Drivers ‣ Drivers

This panel is located in the Graph Editor with the mode set to Drivers.

The Drivers panel is for setting up Driver Variables or a Scripted Expression whichwill determine the value of the Driver Value.


Update Dependencies
This will force an update for the Driver Value dependencies.
Remove Driver
Removes the driver from the property.

There are two categories of scripts: built-in (average, sum, minimum and maximum) andcustom scripts (Scripted Expressions).

Average Value
Uses the average value of the referenced Driver Variables.
Sum Values
Uses the sum of the referenced Driver Variables.
Scripted Expression
Uses a Scripted Expression. See Expression.You must write a Python expression which performs your own calculations on the Driver Variables.
Minimum Value
Uses the lowest value from the referenced Driver Variables.
Maximum Value
Uses the highest value from the referenced Driver Variables.
Scripted Expression.Here you can add variables, real numbers, math operators, math functions, Python properties, driver functions.See Driver Expression below for some examples.
Use Self
This allows for drivers to references their own data using the variable self.Useful for objects, bones, to avoid having to create a variable pointing to its self.
Show Debug Info
Shows the Driver Value.
Driver Value
The output value of the driver script.

Driver Variables¶

Distance setup.

Variable are references to properties or delta transformations which are a reference to two properties.

Add Variable
Adds a new Driver Variable.
Uses the copy of the current variable stack so it can be pasted onto another object’s variable stack.
Name to use for scripted expressions/functions.No spaces or dots are allowed and must start with a letter.
Variable Type

Mercury 200 pro xs manual. The type of variable to use.

Single Property

Use the value from some RNA property.For example, the Ambient shading color from a material.(see Fig. Setup of a single property.)First select the type of ID-block, then the ID of the ID-block, then copy andpaste an RNA property Ctrl-V.See also Custom Properties.

ID Type
The ID-block type. For example: Key, Image, Object, Material.
The ID of the ID-block type. For example: “Material.001”.
RNA Path
The RNA ID name of the property. For example: ‘ambient’ from material shading.
Transform Channel

Use one of the Transform channels from an object or bone.

ID of the object. For example: Cube, Armature, Camera.
ID of the Armature bone. For example: “Bone”, “Bone.002”, “Arm.r”.This option is for armatures.
For example, X Location, X Rotation, X Scale.
World Space, Transform Space, Local Space.
Rotational Difference
Use the rotational difference between two objects or bones.
Use the distance between two objects or bones.
Shows the value of the variable.


See also

  • Extending Blender with Python.
  • Python and its documentation.
  • functions.wolfram.com.

Blender Driver Scripted Expression Tutorials


Drivers are a way to control values of properties by means of a function,or a mathematical expression.

Apr 23, 2018  So i want to use drivers with option “scripted expression”? For example typing “frame” in var field gives me my propertie equal current frame. If i want for example cube1 locX be equal cube2 rotZ? What is syntaxis. I tryed wiki’s: math.pi. 2 + 5.0 Blender.Get(“curframe”) # the current animation frame math.sin(Blender.Get(“curframe”)) # the sine of the current frame self. Blender Wiki PDF Manual en 20140506 - Free ebook download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read book online for free. Wiki do blender.

Effectively, drivers consist of:

  • A driver configuration that specifies zero, one, or more input values usingother properties or object transformation channels, and combines them usinga predefined mathematical function or a custom Python expression.

  • An animationF-Curvethat maps the output of the driver configuration to the final value to applyto the driven property.

As an example, the rotation of Object 1 can be controlled by the scale of Object 2.It is then said that the scale of Object 2 drives the rotation of Object 1.

Not only can drivers directly set the value of a property to the value of a different one,they can also combine multiple values using a fixed function or a Python expressionand further modulate it with a manually defined curve and/or a modifier stack.

Drivers are an extremely powerful tool for building rigs and are typically usedto drive bone transforms and the influence of shape keys, action constraints andmodifiers, often using custom properties as inputs.

Graph View¶

The main area of the Drivers editorshows an F-Curve thatrepresents the driver function.

The X axis maps to the output value of the driver configuration. The units depend on the setup.

The Y axis shows the value applied to the target property. The units depend on the property.

In the example image, if the driver value is 2.0 the property value will be 0.5.

The default F-curve is an identity map, i.e. the value produced by the driver configurationis applied to the driven property unchanged. If the driver output value is 2.0,the property will be 2.0.

The driver function can be defined artistically with Bézier curve handles ormathematically with trigonometric functions or polynomial expressions such as (y = a + bx).Furthermore, the function can also be procedurally modulated with noise or cyclic repetitions.See Modifiers for more details.

Driver Configuration¶

The Drivers panel shows the setup for a driver.

A driver can have zero, one, or more variables. Variables specify which properties,object transformation channels, or relative distances between objects, are used as inputsby the driver.

The driver type determines how the variables are used. The type can be:

  • a built-in function: for example, the sum of the variables’ values, or

  • a scripted expression: an arbitrary Python expression that refers to the variables by their names.

This driver configuration outputs a single value which changes when the variables change.This value is then evaluated through the driver function curve to produce the resultto be applied to the driven property.

Notes on Scripted Expressions¶

When a driver uses a Scripted Expression, Blender can evaluate it without usingthe fully featured Python interpreter if it is simple enough.This means that drivers are fast to evaluate with simple divisions, additions and other “simple” expressions.The built-in functions are always evaluated natively.

See Simple Expressionsfor a comprehensive list of expressions that can be evaluated natively.

AW5-100knAW4-75knAW3-50knAW2-50knAW1-50knsvi AW-i skupa-250knReason 1.0 (2 cd-a) 2cd samplovi,loopovi. Descargar crack de awave studio. 150knSample cd-i Akai, audio, -70knSound Font 2 collection 300mb- 70 knSamplovi s netaTutoriali Cubase v 5,Samplitude,Sound forge,Fruity Loops 2.7.???kn-Audio Warez 5.

When the expression is not simple, it will be evaluated using Python.As a consequence, the driver will be slower and there is a security riskif the author of the Python code is unknown.This is an important thing to take into consideration for heavy scenes andwhen sharing files with other people.See also: Auto run.


Editor:Graph editor
Panel:Properties region ‣ Drivers ‣ Drivers

This panel is located in the Graph Editor with the mode set to Drivers.

The Drivers panel is for setting up Driver Variables or a Scripted Expression whichwill determine the value of the Driver Value.


Update Dependencies
This will force an update for the Driver Value dependencies.
Remove Driver
Removes the driver from the property.

There are two categories of scripts: built-in (average, sum, minimum and maximum) andcustom scripts (Scripted Expressions).

Average Value
Uses the average value of the referenced Driver Variables.
Sum Values
Uses the sum of the referenced Driver Variables.
Scripted Expression
Uses a Scripted Expression. See Expression.You must write a Python expression which performs your own calculations on the Driver Variables.
Minimum Value
Uses the lowest value from the referenced Driver Variables.
Maximum Value
Uses the highest value from the referenced Driver Variables.
Scripted Expression.Here you can add variables, real numbers, math operators, math functions, Python properties, driver functions.See Driver Expression below for some examples.
Use Self
This allows for drivers to references their own data using the variable self.Useful for objects, bones, to avoid having to create a variable pointing to its self.
Show Debug Info
Shows the Driver Value.
Driver Value
The output value of the driver script.

Driver Variables¶

Distance setup.

Variable are references to properties or delta transformations which are a reference to two properties.

Add Variable
Adds a new Driver Variable.
Uses the copy of the current variable stack so it can be pasted onto another object’s variable stack.
Name to use for scripted expressions/functions.No spaces or dots are allowed and must start with a letter.
Variable Type

Mercury 200 pro xs manual. The type of variable to use.

Single Property

Use the value from some RNA property.For example, the Ambient shading color from a material.(see Fig. Setup of a single property.)First select the type of ID-block, then the ID of the ID-block, then copy andpaste an RNA property Ctrl-V.See also Custom Properties.

ID Type
The ID-block type. For example: Key, Image, Object, Material.
The ID of the ID-block type. For example: “Material.001”.
RNA Path
The RNA ID name of the property. For example: ‘ambient’ from material shading.
Transform Channel

Use one of the Transform channels from an object or bone.

ID of the object. For example: Cube, Armature, Camera.
ID of the Armature bone. For example: “Bone”, “Bone.002”, “Arm.r”.This option is for armatures.
For example, X Location, X Rotation, X Scale.
World Space, Transform Space, Local Space.
Rotational Difference
Use the rotational difference between two objects or bones.
Use the distance between two objects or bones.
Shows the value of the variable.


See also

  • Extending Blender with Python.
  • Python and its documentation.
  • functions.wolfram.com.